Thursday, 5 May 2011

'I got too much life, running through my veins, going to waste' - the most beautiful lyric of all time, according to me.

Ive decided to start a blog. Im currently 18, living at home and waiting for life to begin. A little bit about me... I live for my family, I have fabulous friends, I get great pleasures from simple things (my health, a smile from a stranger and yes, even a bird serenading the sky) and I have brown hair. I also believe that I was born to heal people (not in a Jesus kinda way but all will become clear). Now, like many people, I have a lot of beliefs, for example, there are the basics; freedom, beauty, truth and of course, love <3 I believe in fate too, but thats mostly an excuse for when things dont go according to my plan!
  But above all, I am certain that I was put on this earth to save lives. Whilst my friends were trotting off to ballet class, I couldnt wait to get to my St John Ambulance meetings. All through playgroup I chased people carrying a doctors kit. SJA is the basis of me starting this blog. Without them I would not be who or where I am today - as an ambitious girl who has been accepted to study PARAMEDIC PRACTICE at both Hertfordshire and Plymouth University!!! (Them and Vicki, who accidentally/accidently(?) showed me that the course existed God bless her!).

So now you know why I want to share every step of my journey with y'all, both as memoirs for myself and guidance and inspiration for anyone else considering the profession.

Parli Presto

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